Welcome to The Junction Church
We are so excited you are here. Everyone is welcome to join us for worship services, and we look forward to praising God together every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. The Cambodian Fellowship also worships in our building at 10:00 am meeting in our council room.
We have a blended worship style of rich traditional heritage enhanced by contemporary music and other arts. We love to sing and express our worship with an authentic heart and devotion to God. Our services focus on the Word of God being central to our lives, and we are brought into community through the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and baptism upon request. We also have special services on New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Thanksgiving Day, and a Candle Light Service the Sunday before Christmas. Check our calendar for times and dates.
We meet at 320 Elm Street in St. Thomas, ON at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. We also have an array of other events happening throughout the week.
We hope you’ll join us!
Our Vision
The Vision at The Junction is about what we see God doing in us and through us as we share the love of Jesus with everyone, in everyway, and everywhere. To that end we envision a Church that shares this love…
- through preaching and teaching the truths of the Bible in such a way that it addresses the issues and challenges that are part of today’s world and culture, and helps members respond to them in a Christ-like way.
- through promoting and holding worship services in diverse, relevant and creative ways, that bring praise and glory to God, and strengthen our relationship with Him.
- through boldly proclaiming the Christian gospel to our community and world, and both passionately and deliberately serve Jesus, through serving others in all aspects of daily life…
- through providing an environment of grace where everyone is accepted and loved for who they are in Christ, and regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey, can experience encouragement, nurturing and forgiveness.
- through intentionally integrating prayer in all aspects of Church life, through personal prayer, and through teaching others what it means to pray
- through a facility that serves the needs of the Church family, both in size and function, as it seeks to fulfill God’s mission.
Our Mission
Sharing the love of Jesus, with everyone, in every way, and everywhere
The Mission Statement is based on Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8
Sharing the love of Jesus is rooted in ... being my witnesses [Acts 1:8]
With everyone is rooted in ... to all nations [Matthew 28:19]
In everyway is rooted in ... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you [Matthew 28:20]
And everywhere is rooted in ... in Jerusalem, and all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth [Acts 1:8]
The Mission Statement is easily summed up in this statement:
Sharing the love of Jesus…